
Sin and Salvation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Originally written to educate South Indian teachers in the basics of the Gospel, this primer by Lesslie Newbigin addresses the unique misunderstandings of the Tamil people to whom Newbigin ministered. The Tamil language was so limited, says Newbigin, that 1 Timothy 1:15 might as well be translated, “Christ Jesus came into the world to provide free board and lodging to rascals!” With this...

ought to have given to man the complete freedom to eat of every tree. He suggests that the limit which God has placed upon man shows that there is some lack in the love of God. That distrust is the beginning of temptation. Where there is perfect trust in God’s fatherly goodness, there can be no temptation. Unbelief is the beginning of sin. Unbelief, in fact, is the very root and basis of sin. Having sown the seed of unbelief in the heart of the woman, the tempter now puts into her mind a new suggestion:
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